How to Change your Password

It can be frustrating when you need to change your password, however we want to make this as stress-free as possible with our handy ‘how to’ guide below.

How to Change your Password on ACAMH

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Visit ‘My profile’ on your dashboard.
  3. Visit ‘back to member’s area’ on the navigation bar.
  4. Select ‘Change Login Details’.
  5. Fill in form and click ‘Change Password’.

How to Change your Password on ACAMH Learn

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Visit your profile by clicking the drop-down by your name in the top right corner of your screen (desktop) and selecting ‘Profile’.
  3. Select ‘Manage Profile’.
  4. Visit ‘back to member’s area’ on the navigation bar.
  5. Select ‘Change Login Details’.
  6. Fill in form and click change password.

If you have forgotten your password and cannot log in, then please visit our ‘Reset Password‘ page.

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